행사 및 박람회
주최기관 KAIST(공과대학/OLEV사업단)와 KATECH(자동차부품연구원) 
개최기간 시작일 2010-06-17 
개최기간 종료일 2010-06-19 
연락처 OLEV사업단 사업개발실(T, 042-350-6622/음세형) 

『2010 전기자동차 국제 Forum』행사 개최안내

  2010. 6. 17(목)-19(토)까지 우리학교(KAIST)에서 개최되는"2010년 전기자동차 국제 포럼" [2010 International Forum on Electric Vehicle]에 여러분을 초대합니다. 이 행사는 KAIST와 KATECH(한국자동차부품연구원)이 공동으로 주관하여 개최합니다.
  본 포럼은 "저탄소 녹색성장"의 국가 정책에 부합하여 그린자동차를 위한 로드맵을 ���발하는데 주도적 역할을 하는 세계 각국의 정부 정책 관계자 및 모든 참석자께 중요한 가치를 전달하게 될 것입니다.
이번 6. 18(금)에 우리학교(KAIST)에서 개최하는 “2010 전기자동차 국제포럼”에 여러분을 초대하오니 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

♦ 개최 일시 및 장소
    -  일 시 : 2010. 6. 17(목) - 19(토)
    -  장 소 : KAIST 대강당(E15 건물), 세미나실

♦ 주 관
    - KAIST(공과대학/OLEV사업단)와 KATECH(자동차부품연구원) 공동개최

♦ 등록 및 프로그램 안내 :

♦ 문의(연락)처
    - 공과대학 교학팀 (T, 042-350-2491/김기현)
    - OLEV사업단 사업개발실(T, 042-350-6622/음세형)




Dear Colleague,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 2010 International Forum on Electric Vehicle (IFEV), which will be held at KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, from June 17 to 19, 2010, under the joint sponsorship of KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and KATECH (Korea Automotive Technology Institute).
We are witnessing a major transformation of the automotive industry in response to the need to reduce CO2 emission and the dependence on petroleum. Industry and academia have proposed many different solutions – hybrid, plug-in hybrid, battery powered, on-line electric vehicle, and others. We should examine and understand these proposed solutions from technological, economic, and societal perspective. The purpose of the proposed IFEV is to assess the state of various technologies and assess the future direction of autonomous vehicle that can replace the cars with internal combustion (IC) engines.
This forum should be of value to all participants, including various government agencies in all countries, as they develop a road map for development of green vehicles and a national policy of ‘Low Carbon Green Growth.’
At KAIST, we have been developing the On-Line Electric Vehicle (OLEV) system that is powered by the electricity supplied from underground cables without any mechanical contact while in motion. It also has a small battery on board to make it autonomous on roads without the underground cable. KAIST has installed an OLEV system in the Seoul Grand Park, which has been operational since March 2010. We will demonstrate the OLEV system at the Forum.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the 2010 International Forum on Electric Vehicle on June 17-19, 2010.

Sincerely yours,

ADDRESS : 335 Gwahak-ro(373-1 Guseong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701
Ms. Se-Hyung Eum (Online Electric Vehicle Project, KAIST)
E-mail :
Tel : +82-42-350-6622
Fax : +82-42-350-6689
Mr. Ki-Hyun Kim (Academic & Student Affairs Team for College of Engineering, KAIST)
E-mail :
Tel : +82-42-350-2491
Fax : +82-42-350-8500