Linux Programming

리눅스 데스크탑 환경 종류

pjk 2015.02.11 15:40 조회 수 : 4627

X Desktops with a Development Framework

Plain Desktop Environments

  • AfterStep: Window manager that combines flexibility with elegant look
  • AntiRight: Lightweight scripted environment that uses the GTK+ toolkit
  • awesome: Highly configurable, next generation framework window manager
  • EDE: small desktop environment, built to be simple and fast
  • Enlightenment: The Enlightenment Window Manager
  • fluxbox: Lightweight WM with support for tabs
  • FVWM: An extremely customizable window manager and some desktop applications
  • GoFun: Lightweight Desktop Entry Specification based desktop
  • IceWM: Window manager designed to be small, fast and lightweight
  • LxDE: provide a new desktop environment which is lightweight and fast
  • Matchbox: Environment for non-desktop systems, such as handheld computers
  • MATE: MATE Desktop Environment is the fork of GNOME2
  • ROX: ROX is a free, GTK+-based, fully drag-and-drop desktop
  • UDE: attempt to create new WM with original Look'n'Feel
  • WindowMaker: Window manager intended to work with GNUstep
  • Xfce: Lightweight GTK+-based environment
  • XPde: A Windows XP-like desktop environment designed for Windows users migrating to Linux

3D Desktop Environments

  • Compiz: OpenGL-based 3D window manager to extend existing desktop environments like Gnome and KDE
  • Metisse: Metisse 3D Desktop project
  • True3D*Shell: open source 3D desktop environment

Classic Desktop Environments

  • CDE: Common Desktop Environment, the traditional proprietary environment based on Motif
  • TkDesk: TkDesk predates most of the environments on this page
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