
테크 자전거 설계cad link

Pjk 2010.11.21 16:10 조회 수 : 11703 추천:1



BikeCAD Pro includes an anatomical model of rider and the option to reference imported photos. Also provides various forms of output.
BikeCAD for hardtail mountain bikes, road bikes and kids' bikes, with or without front suspension.
RecumbentCAD for short wheelbase recumbents.
TandemCAD for direct lateral tandem bikes (bicycle built for two).
FullSuspensionCAD for four-bar linkage rear suspension.
WheelCAD determine appropriate spoke length for building wheels.
HulaCAD build your own eccentrically laced hula bike wheel. For more about hula bikes, check out the hula bike in the rental collection.

For help using these programs go to the FAQ. Much of the FAQ information relates to the original versions of these programs. BikeCAD is currently being revised. For more up to date info on the use of this tool, check out the BikeCAD section on the Frame Forum discussion board.

We are often asked to build custom frames according to the specs people have layed out on bikeCAD. Although we are fully equipped for frame building, our focus for now is on expanding our rental bike collection, not on custom building. However, the following commercial builders are capable of producing frames based on bikeCAD specs: